Summer Youth League 2021–Save the Dates!

Save the dates!

This intramural league will meet twice a week, Tuesdays & Fridays, from 5:00-7:00pm from July 13 to August 20. The league is intended to provide a safe and effective program of skills build up after almost a year of little to no ultimate for many players and an opportunity for more experienced players to hone existing skills. Day 1 will focus on conditioning and skills building. Day 2 will focus on full scale play. 

Youth League is open to players in grades 7 through 12. Make up of teams/conditioning groups will be determined by number of registrations. It is possible that teams may blur traditional USAU playing divisions. Whatever the team composition, Valley Ultimate utilizes an equity-based lens to create a supportive and positive environment to encourage participants to reach their full potential as athletes and teammates.

Registration for the league will open June 1, 2021. 

COVID-19 precautions will be in place, including masking and social distancing, in accordance with MA Department of Health regulations, CDC , and USAU guidelines in effect at the time of league play. As this is a rapidly changing situation, no specifics can be shared at this time. Registrants will get further information as it is confirmed. It is likely that VU will utilize the same rules adaptations and masking policies implemented by area coaches for the high school season. Valley Ultimate is committed to implementing a high level of precautions to best manage risk levels for all participants and their families.

VU is currently seeking a Youth League Coordinator to start as soon as possible. You can find the full job description here and the online application here.

VU will also be seeking Coaches for the league–coaches can be hired on a session by session basis OR for the full league season. If you are interested, start to check out the USAU coaching requirements and contact us at with questions. Hiring for coaches will begin June 1, 2021.

Please spread the news to any who may be interested! Keep an eye out for more information!

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay spirited!

Meet Our New Board Members!!

Valley Ultimate is thrilled to introduce our three newest board members. These three jumped right into the fray in March and are already proving invaluable team members. We are so grateful to have their combined experience and insight at the table as we plan for the way out of the pandemic and into the future of VU!! 

Bri Jackson (she/her) was first introduced to ultimate frisbee while studying abroad in Paris, France and playing on a rookie team with Ah Ou Puc. She has since played on a club team at Smith College and various pick up teams in Western Massachusetts. Her greatest hopes as a VU board member are to expand access to pickup ultimate for adults in the greater Springfield area and continue to grow the ultimate community in the Valley at all ages and abilities.

Brianna Jackson (she/her)


Ember Plummer has played ultimate since high school in Ann Arbor, MI and just finished up 4 years on Smith College LunaDisc. They are excited to join VU board, and they are thrilled by the potential of our local ultimate community to reimagine and establish deeply ingrained values of equity and inclusion, both for our sport in general and our local social culture! 

Ember Plummer (they/them)


Jennifer Lundquist has been playing casual pick-up for a number of years and is the parent of two ultimate-playing children. She is a professor of sociology and Senior Associate Dean at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


Latest book: The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance

Jennifer Lundquist (she/her)


We must also announce that Kelsey Wentling has stepped down from the board after completing her one year term as Vice President. Kelsey put in a great deal of work to get the Color of Ultimate screenings off the ground as well as shaping the way the board works. Kelsey is busy with work and other projects these days, but we look forward to seeing her on the field again when we all start playing again. Thank you, Kelsey!

WMass School Program Coaches Survey

Greetings Western Mass. High School and Middle School Coaches and Organizers!

As school programs shift from considering to planning for a Return to Play this spring, VU would like to help programs coordinate, whether you plan on participating in states level play or just more regional and local options.

In absence of a scheduling meeting for coaches to network and plan competition for the spring, we hope to collect information through this survey and set up resources that may help coaches find each other digitally to explore competitive options this spring.  Please check to understand the logistics of what options are available for your students and your program, then fill out this survey

Valley Ultimate will share patterns and networking suggestions from the collected information towards the end of March, so please fill out soon!

Best wishes for a safe and fun spring!

Responsibility, Equity and Returning to Play–COVID-19 Update–February 26, 2021

Almost a year into the pandemic we’re at the crossroads of two questions: CAN we return to play? And SHOULD we return to play? 

Valley Ultimate is just one organization in a vibrant ultimate community. We recognize that pick up games, school programs, and other organizations will make their own choices regarding return to play. As a USAU Affiliate, community leader, and resource, we offer up the following guidance. 

CAN we return to play?

 We want to support our broader ultimate community in making the safest choices possible. We hosted the Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation on Feb. 7th to do just that. Sharing information and helping to set up a common standard for any program choosing to play is part of Valley Ultimate’s mission to serve as a unifying community resource. Here are some of the resources and standards that we highly suggest all programs and organizers take into consideration.

  • Massachusetts Dept of Health still categorizes ultimate frisbee as a high risk sport. As of Feb. 26, 2021 the state is still in Phase 3 Part 1 (report updated Feb. 8, 2021) of reopening. As an outdoor sport, Ultimate can be active in Levels 1, 2, or 3 (as outlined in the report), assuming compliance with any local Board of Health regulations and standards on top of those in the report. For high school programs, refer to the MIAA FAQ document regarding the report for additional support.
  • USAU Return to Play Guidelines are updated as of Feb. 19, 2021. The guidelines still say to defer to local and state guidelines, suggest rules adaptations for social distancing, and setting up systems of safety protocols, including testing, temperature checks, and symptom checks. In addition, the guidelines now mandate mask wearing at all times and includes considerations regarding the vaccine.
  • Through the winter, a workgroup of Western Mass coaches created rules adaptations based on the above information. This group was led by Emeritus Board Member Jim Pistrang, coach of Amherst Regional Middle School. Explore the rules adaptations and how they might be useful for your program. VU highly suggests that any programs planning inter-community or inter-school games adopt these rules.

SHOULD we return to play?

Though each program is independent, we are all part of the same ultimate community. Almost a year ago, many of us made the choice to collectively protect our community by staying off the field. After more than 500,000 deaths nationally, we find ourselves full of hope with the gradual rollout of a vaccine, and evidence that outdoor sports can be played safely. We also find ourselves facing variants of the COVID-19 virus and an unknown timeline for adequate rollout of the vaccine. That means many of the same considerations of how each program impacts our collective safety are still at play.  

  • We still can’t ALL safely return to play right now. There are many people in our community who are at higher risk than others: essential workers who are exposed regularly; people caring for at-risk family members; people in towns with higher rates of exposure; people who are immune compromised or have pre-existing conditions that put them at higher risk; people caring for children without any of the support they usually have; people who rely on public transportation.  Adaptations lower the risk, but for many members of our community, even managed risk is too much. Just as we said in July 2020, Valley Ultimate believes that in order to return to playing ultimate as we know it, we need to be able to provide a safe environment for all members of our community.
  • COVID-19 has disproportionately affected populations of color, and only broadened the already existing resource gaps that plague the country and our sport. This stark fact compounds the risks mentioned above that mean we can’t all safely return to play, even with modifications. In our community, that impacts which programs are able to return to play, and which programs will have to stay inactive.  Ultimate is a sport and community that has always held equity at its heart through spirit of the game–the long term fallout of a season with such a stark imbalance could easily derail what progress has been made in our sport and community toward closing the resource gap.  Valley Ultimate strongly suggests programs take this into account when determining return to play, especially as we are striving to become a more anti-racist and equity driven organization.

Will Valley Ultimate return to play?

Our Board and Volunteers are still deeply considering the issues. We are hopeful that vaccine rollout, state guidelines, case numbers etc. develop in a way that we can offer programming of some kind in the late summer or fall. While our goal is to provide something (we are all desperate to get moving and see your faces again!), Valley Ultimate cannot guarantee any inperson offerings, adult or youth, at this time. Needless to say, weighing the “can” and “should” while considering the logistics and resources available to us is a complicated task. We value your input and support as we navigate this unprecedented time.

The ultimate community is still here. Last fall, VU offered the Color of Ultimate Screening Series to keep ultimate in our lives from a distance. We are continuing to develop other guaranteed COVID-friendly events we can offer–175g Disc Golf League? Trivia Night? More screenings? As before, please fill out this survey to help us choose what to offer next.

If you have questions or ideas about this guidance and our understanding of the USAU and MA state guidelines, please feel free to contact us at

If you want to help VU continue to engage, support and grow the ultimate community in Western Mass, fill out our volunteer form!

If you live in a state other than MA, we urge you to look into and abide by your state’s regulations.

Please always check directly with state and local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Western Mass is a region where the numbers of infections have decreased enough to safely open many things. Let’s enjoy and honor that privilege and continue to protect our whole community.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Spirited!


Western New England Coaching Update

Greetings Western MA MS/HS Ultimate Coaches!

We recently sent out a letter to the listed coaches/organizers for schools in Valley Ultimate’s orbit. Information in that letter came from the Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation on Feb. 7, 2021. If you are a coach/organizer and did not receive this email, please check our Western New England Ultimate Coaches Contact List to check that we have the most updated information. To view the full email please follow this link

Below you’ll find short versions of what was covered in the letter!


Summary of our Return to Play discussion, with helpful resources:

On Equity:

Our group acknowledged the range of program sizes and competition levels of the school programs in the Valley.  One important issue this raises is how programs can be centering equity in their planning for the spring.  For example, some smaller charter or private school programs rely on athletes who come from many different geographical areas with different COVID metrics, while other school based teams come from a single low-risk community.  Some larger or regional school programs have partnerships with their schools’ athletic departments, while others are club-based programs with fewer resources.  This range of differences is a concern as the opportunity gap will exist this spring for some to be playing ultimate while others cannot.  We ask that you consider this when planning your season events and activities.

Links, info, discussion notes and action points on COVID guidance:

Methods for Return to Play:

  • Context regarding  these Modified Rules, created by a working group led by Jim Pistrang(ARMS) this fall, and based on the above guidance. Please review!(Important: Coaches/Organizers and teams are expected to review these rules and agree to implement them for any competition that involves other schools.
  • Resources from successful socially distanced clinics.

Thinking about longer term growth and sustainability:

Financial Considerations and Small Programs Focus

  • Please contact Kyle Taylor at with specific questions on creating a “budget-neutral” program.

Small Ultimate Program Sustainability Workgroup

  • Please fill out this form to learn more and become part of a focus group for small ultimate programs in the Valley about COVID19’s impact on small programs, practice/play ideas with low numbers, and general small program concerns. This group will be coordinated by Kyle Taylor (PVPA) and Amber Tanudjaja (PVPA).

Keeping Ultimate on the Table for Administrators

  •  A letter here with talking points to bring to school administrators and athletic directors to keep ultimate as a priority during this time. Letter was drafted by Lee Feldscher (Northampton High School) let us know if there are any other resources you might need to engage your school in keeping an ultimate program available for young athletes. 

USAU Coaching Requirements Updates & Virtual Coaching Clinic Sessions:

Networking/Scheduling Survey Coming Soon

  • In the meantime, here are some questions to explore with your program and organizers while you plan for this spring:
    • Will your school field an ultimate team this spring?  
    • Will your program be intramural?
    • Which competition divisions/levels of play will be organized at your school this spring?
    • Will your team be able to travel?  
    • If so, what kind of travel accommodations does your school provide (and would therefore restrict/enable travel for competition opportunities)?
    • Will your school season run mid-March through May or late-April through June?


SAVE THE DATE Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation

Though the annual WMass Coaches scheduling meeting will not be happening in the traditional manner, VU is hosting our Annual Meeting and a Return to Play Conversation in its place.

Coaches, players of all levels and parents are all welcome to attend this meeting. Some workshopped rule changes and (hopefully) updated USAU RTP guidelines will be primary discussion topics, in addition to updates on VU’s current and future endeavors. It will be on February 7 at 11am. Use this form to RSVP and get the link to attend this virtual event.

Save the date and pass the word (flick or backhand, whichever will get the furthest)!

Click to watch this GIF of Valeria Cardenas of the Colombian National Team, Medellin Revolution, and Seattle Riot and her HUGE forehand.

Join the VU Board!

Board Member Jo Sleigh at Hatsgiving Tournament Central 2016.

Board Member Jo Sleigh at Hatsgiving Tournament Central 2016.

The Valley Ultimate Board is seeking new members! 

Players, coaches, parents and fans welcome. We are specifically seeking better representation for community members of color, womxn, college community members and our casual adult players. 

Itching to have ultimate in the Valley come back better, stronger and faster after the pandemic is under control? We want you.

Long time pickup player and social media lurker? We want you. 

Just moved here from a vibrant ultimate community and wondering how you fit in? We want you.

Love ultimate, and have general organization skills? We really want you. 😉

Here for undergrad, staying over the summer, but maybe not after you graduate? That’s ok, we want you, too!

Never played ultimate, but your daughter did and you still get the mailing list, and happen to be a fundraising and grant writing expert? We really, REALLY want you.

Still in high school, love ultimate and take lots of photos at VU events? We want you, too.

The Valley ultimate community is diverse in more ways than one and we want VU to better reflect our community in all its glory.

Three (3) Board positions are open. The term for each member is a minimum of 1 year. Board meetings are the 4th Tuesday of every month. Valley Ultimate is a volunteer-run organization. Board members partially responsible for some day to day tasks in communication, social media, and event coordination–tasks get divided at Board meetings and in work groups/task forces based on topic/event. Board members vote on motions regarding mission, long term financials, program building etc. VU is building a culture of collaboration–as the saying goes, many hands makes light work. Experience with league development, fundraising, community engagement and social media would be highly valued.

Submit self-nominations and interest via this form. Nominations are due Tuesday 2/9 at 11:59pm. All applicants will get a follow up meeting with a Board member (or two!) before the Board votes on nominations at our regular meeting Tuesday 2/23. All interested parties are invited to the VU Annual Meeting on Sunday 2/7 at 11am, details TBD. 

Not interested in full (voting) Board membership, but want to be part of the discussion? Fill out this form and get added to the Valley Ultimate Community Reps Google Group.

Questions, comments, concerns? Email

Color of Ultimate Screenings–LA Throwback Finals 2020

Photo Credit: Tino Tran

Thanks to those who have participated in our Color of Ultimate screening series so far. Both the Atlanta Showcase game and the Official Documentary proved to be fun and interesting opportunities to connect with our ultimate community in a new way. If you missed the screening of the Atlanta game, you can always watch it here. If you missed the documentary, you can find the film here and some of the questions we considered here.

Our next event will be a combo screening and conversation on Thursday, December 17 at 7pm. We will be watching the 2020 LA Throwback Beach Ultimate Finals game, with special guests Shanye Crawford, Jason Vallee and Max Charles–all three players in the Color of Ultimate squad pictured above! Watch out for bios of these amazing players on our social media and in the newsletter! As always, bring a snack, an open mind, and a disc to practice grip changes while you watch!

Register here to get the link to the event. Feel free to share the registration link ( and information to anyone who may be interested!

For info on Color of Ultimate’s more recent projects, like Color of Disc Golf, check out their website or find them on social media (they have a Youtube channel too!) If you know about them already and can afford it, please consider donating via Paypal to

To get regular updates on other things our Taskforce and the rest of Valley Ultimate does, sign up for our email list.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay spirited! See you on December 17 at 7pm!

Amber, Kelsey, Kyle, Joe and Lee

The VU Anti-Racism & Equity Taskforce



Color of Ultimate Screening Series!

Group Photo from 2019 ATL Showcase game

Group Photo from 2019 ATL Showcase game. Borrowed from CofU website.

Back in September many of you joined us to watch the Color of Ultimate 2019 Atlanta Showcase game. We hope seeing such excellent performances from some top tier players of color filled some of the void we’re all feeling without ultimate right now. If you missed the screening, you can always watch it on your own time using the link above!

Our next event will be a combo screening and conversation on Thursday, October 22 from 7-9pm. We will be watching the official Color of Ultimate documentary, which features athletes from the showcase game speaking about their experiences as ultimate players. Bring a snack, and open mind, and a disc to practice grip changes while you watch!

Register here to receive more details closer to the event Thursday 10/22 from 7-9pm. Please also consider throwing some support to Color of Ultimate by sending them some $$$ on PayPal at

If you can’t make this event, you can always find the documentary on YouTube to watch on your own. You’ll also have a chance to watch the L.A. Showcase game with us next month!

Announcing the VU Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force

Signs made by Kelsey Wentling & friends for recent protests in Springfield, Holyoke and Northampton.


Black Lives Matter. The current protests represent the culmination of decades of unheard cries for justice. Valley Ultimate stands with the BLM movement in their quest for justice for Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others. As an organization based on community and youth development, Valley Ultimate believes in the power of outreach and investment in community programs to improve the lives of its inhabitants and supports the re-allotment of city and town budgets to prioritize such programs. Valley Ultimate encourages it’s community to educate themselves on terms and topics like anti-racism, implicit bias, racism, white privilege, Black Lives Matter, and Defund the Police; to support BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned businesses in a time of economic uncertainty; to donate to organizations doing the work; and to learn more about the platforms, policies and practices of your local representatives and authorities regarding social justice, equity and anti-racism.

Valley Ultimate’s mission is to promote and grow ultimate in Western Mass and the Pioneer Valley and to strengthen the ultimate community by documenting, encouraging and creating positive playing & learning experiences that embrace the Spirit of the Game. In the wake of this massive awakening across the United States, Valley Ultimate is examining our role in systemic racism and working to develop new methods to enact our mission in an anti-racist way.

To strengthen our community we must face the difficult truth that white supremacy is present in all parts of our culture. 

  • We must face this as individuals, as members of a broader community, as Board members, and as an organization

To encourage and create positive playing & learning opportunities for all we must examine the ways white supremacy impacts these opportunities.

  • This includes both logistical items, such as where we host, how we advertise and how we conduct registration for games, youth leagues and workshops; and how we prepare coaches and workshop leaders.

To fully embrace Spirit of the Game, we must listen to and learn from BIPOC players’ experiences and dismantle even the most subtle ways that white supremacy presents itself in ultimate culture.

  • We must encourage an openness to self examination in our white players and community to ensure that BIPOC players voices are amplified and supported, so that the mutual respect and joy in competition that spirit of the game embodies is applied to all who enter the ultimate community.

Acknowledging Valley Ultimate’s complicity in a culture of white supremacy is the first step in a long journey that can only be continued through action. We invite the community to hold us accountable as we rebuild our programs in the “new normal” COVID-19 creates for us. As with any process, we will make mistakes, but we hope that with your help we can learn from them. Please also hold each other accountable and support each other in learning from our mistakes, rather than getting stalled by them.

The newly formed VU Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force will not only be spearheading Board education on these topics, but also assessing our programs, releasing resources on our social media accounts and website, and offering community events. The current task force members are Kelsey Wentling, Amber Tanudjaja, Joe Costello, Lee Feldscher, Kyle Taylor and Terry Plotkin. Visit our Equity Resources page for our living document of resources. If you are interested in serving on this task force please fill out our volunteer form.

If you have questions about the Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force, email us at

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay spirited!