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The 1st Annual
Valley Showcase Game


– Women’s Pro Ultimate at its finest!

JERSEY CITY, May 14: During the New York Gridlock vs Medellin Revolution Profesional game at Cochrane Stadium in Jersey City, NJ on May 14, 2022. (Photo by Jen Voce-Nelson)

Saturday April 29th, 7pm
South Hadley High School Football Stadium

Now is the time to purchase your ticket – click here or
use this QR code…

This regular-season Premier Ultimate League (PUL)  game is NYGL’s Home Opener, on the road!  The game will be a highly competitive game featuring PUL East Division teams, NYGL and Portland Rising

We expect this game to draw the biggest audience ever for a single-event Ultimate frisbee game in the Pioneer Valley.

Featuring nearly a dozen players who grew up or currently live in western Mass, this game will be both a home-coming celebration for the local Pioneer Valley Ultimate community and a statement of the reach of women’s professional Ultimate as a spectator-friendly fun, engaging, and inspiring sporting event.

under the lights  *  local food vendors  
half-time show  *  lively local personalities
* Players will be available after the game for autographs and to meet & greet.

We look forward to connecting and promoting this exciting event.

If you would like to get involved to support this event – please let us know




Summer Youth Club Opportunities

Our first ever Youth Mixer event kicked off our spring in the Valley with positivity, warmth, and energy!

Thanks goes out to the UMass ultimate programs and representatives from 3 club teams in the Valley, PLOW, Sprout, and Starling, for helping to lead some fun games, and build relationships across multiple levels of ultimate organizations in our community.  

Check out our VU Youth Mixer page for some (very amatuer) photos from the event and information about our summer plans!

Coming Soon: Registration for VU Youth Summer Programming will go live through our website soon, so keep checking for the registration info.  As a reminder, our summer schedule is already set!  Find the calendar on our website and circle the dates!
We hope everyone has an awesome spring season! Go VU!

VU Winter League (VUWL) – 2022-23

Indoor Mixed Hat League

When: Sundays,  6 – 10 pm
Dates : First Session – November 13 – December 18 (6 weeks)
Second Session – January 8 – Feb 12 (6 weeks)
Post-Season – Feb 26 & March 5 (2 weeks)
Location: Allsports, Northampton MA
16 & over
Cost: $160 for full season (both sessions & post season)
 ($90 for one session) (sliding scale options available)
Registration: By lottery – October 9 – October 23rd
Ability Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Vibe: Mixed, Competitive, Fun Ultimate!
Coordinator: Kelsey Wentling (pronouns: she/her/hers) & Dan Kaplan (he/him)

Registration – click here 

For more information – click here

Fall League

Welcome to VU Fall League (VUFL) –

Our weekday hat league is back! Plus we have a couple more options –  hopefully you can find one (or more that suits you!)

For more information about each league, please click on link below:

Registration – click here 

Questions: Contact Dan Kaplan –

League Goals and Values
This is our 2nd year running this league and we look forward to continuing a welcoming, fun, and competitive atmosphere to keep us all playing Ultimate even as the daylight fades in New England autumn.

We seek to create a community space for players to compete in a welcoming and friendly environment. We strive to foster an inclusive playing opportunity and welcome feedback on how to continue to improve in this area. We adhere to the USAU Gender Inclusion Policy and have collected equity resources on our website, which we encourage players to explore. We expect all participants to demonstrate the highest level of respect for one another and the ultimate community; harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and should be reported to the league coordinator (contact info below). Players will be removed from play immediately pending further investigation.

Winter Indoor League!!

Valley Ultimate is very excited to announce it’s first-ever Winter Indoor Club League!!

When: Sundays from 6-10pm
Who:  6 (or 8) teams, minimum 10 players
Where:  Allsports Arena,  54 Old Ferry Rd, Northampton, MA
Format: 5v5, mixed (3:2 – offense decides) – see below
Ages: 16+

Schedule: Two 5-week seasons
Season 1: Jan 2 – 30
Season 2: February 6 – March 6
season-ending tournament – March 13

All participants must show proof of vaccination for Covid-19 to participate. Allsports follows current Northampton Health Department rules,  which currently require masks indoors

Coordinators: Kelsey Wentling (she/her) & Dan Kaplan (he/his)

League Goals and Values
This is a new league and the first Ultimate league ever to play at Allsports. We look forward to a welcoming, fun, and competitive atmosphere to keep us all in shape during the cold winter months of New England. 

We seek to create a community space for players to compete in a welcoming and friendly environment. We strive to foster an inclusive playing opportunity and welcome feedback on how to continue to improve in this area. We adhere to the USAU Gender Inclusion Policy and have collected equity resources on our website, which we encourage players to explore. We expect all participants to demonstrate the highest level of respect for one another and the Ultimate community; harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated and should be reported to the league coordinators (email addresses).

How are teams formed:
This is a “club league;” If you are interested in submitting a bid to have a team in this league, please fill out the following Captains Form. You will need to have at least 8 players committed to submit a bid. At least half of your roster must consist of woman-matching players (see ‘matching preference’ section for details’. You can sign up for one or both seasons. Once your bid is accepted, each of your players will have to fill out a registration & payment form. (All players will have to be USAU members or purchase the once-a-year affiliate fee of $17 to be insured). The cost for each player in each session will be $45-$90 (sliding scale) for each participant.

click here to submit a team bid!!

All teams have been selected for the season

Free Agents:
If you are interested in signing up for the league as a “free agent” you can do so here. League coordinators will strive to place all free agents as team and league needs allow. This may result in free agents being placed at the discretion of the league coordinators, or placed on a substitute list depending on team capacity.

click here to register as a player on a team or as a free agent!!

Matching Preference 

Here is language we will use regarding match-ups:

  • Woman-matching: any non-cis gendered man who prefers to match against women or nonbinary players
  • Man-matching: Any person who prefers to match against men 
  • Anyone-matching: any non-cis gendered man who is comfortable marking any player on the field

Note* When selecting your preferred matchup, please keep in mind that we envision the “anyone-match” position to be occupied by players who are not cisgender men. The position exists to create space for nonbinary/genderfluid players in mixed ultimate, and to allow all players to feel comfortable in their matchups.

We request that participants refrain from terms such as “mark gender across,” and “man defense.” Instead we suggest counting off across the line or simply saying, “match across” and requesting switches as preferred when on defense.

Send questions and feedback to and

click here for League Rules, etc

New Indoor Pickup Opportunity in Northampton!

Wednesday nights –
December 15 & 22 – 9-11pm
Ages 16+
Limited to 24 players
 Allsports – 54 Old Ferry Rd., Northampton, MA 01060.
(pre-register – –
and receive a discount for multiple dates)

Allsports is offering this on a trial basis on Dec 15th and 22ndLet’s show up in force, so they see there’s a market for indoor pickup. With a good showing we can convince them to run this all winter long.
Contact Lee – with questions. 
Looking forward to seeing you on the field.



Valley Ultimate is very excited to host the 7th Annual Valley Ultimate Hat Tournament! 

 A single-day Ultimate Frisbee tournament 
Who:  open to players, of all skill levels, age 12 or older. 
When: Saturday, November 27, 20219am – 5pm
  Oxbow Marina Fields in Northampton, MA

We look forward to a fun day for the entire Valley Ultimate community to come out to the fields and play together outside one more time before the snow flies!

click here to for more info!!

Responsibility, Equity and Returning to Play–COVID-19 Update–February 26, 2021

Almost a year into the pandemic we’re at the crossroads of two questions: CAN we return to play? And SHOULD we return to play? 

Valley Ultimate is just one organization in a vibrant ultimate community. We recognize that pick up games, school programs, and other organizations will make their own choices regarding return to play. As a USAU Affiliate, community leader, and resource, we offer up the following guidance. 

CAN we return to play?

 We want to support our broader ultimate community in making the safest choices possible. We hosted the Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation on Feb. 7th to do just that. Sharing information and helping to set up a common standard for any program choosing to play is part of Valley Ultimate’s mission to serve as a unifying community resource. Here are some of the resources and standards that we highly suggest all programs and organizers take into consideration.

  • Massachusetts Dept of Health still categorizes ultimate frisbee as a high risk sport. As of Feb. 26, 2021 the state is still in Phase 3 Part 1 (report updated Feb. 8, 2021) of reopening. As an outdoor sport, Ultimate can be active in Levels 1, 2, or 3 (as outlined in the report), assuming compliance with any local Board of Health regulations and standards on top of those in the report. For high school programs, refer to the MIAA FAQ document regarding the report for additional support.
  • USAU Return to Play Guidelines are updated as of Feb. 19, 2021. The guidelines still say to defer to local and state guidelines, suggest rules adaptations for social distancing, and setting up systems of safety protocols, including testing, temperature checks, and symptom checks. In addition, the guidelines now mandate mask wearing at all times and includes considerations regarding the vaccine.
  • Through the winter, a workgroup of Western Mass coaches created rules adaptations based on the above information. This group was led by Emeritus Board Member Jim Pistrang, coach of Amherst Regional Middle School. Explore the rules adaptations and how they might be useful for your program. VU highly suggests that any programs planning inter-community or inter-school games adopt these rules.

SHOULD we return to play?

Though each program is independent, we are all part of the same ultimate community. Almost a year ago, many of us made the choice to collectively protect our community by staying off the field. After more than 500,000 deaths nationally, we find ourselves full of hope with the gradual rollout of a vaccine, and evidence that outdoor sports can be played safely. We also find ourselves facing variants of the COVID-19 virus and an unknown timeline for adequate rollout of the vaccine. That means many of the same considerations of how each program impacts our collective safety are still at play.  

  • We still can’t ALL safely return to play right now. There are many people in our community who are at higher risk than others: essential workers who are exposed regularly; people caring for at-risk family members; people in towns with higher rates of exposure; people who are immune compromised or have pre-existing conditions that put them at higher risk; people caring for children without any of the support they usually have; people who rely on public transportation.  Adaptations lower the risk, but for many members of our community, even managed risk is too much. Just as we said in July 2020, Valley Ultimate believes that in order to return to playing ultimate as we know it, we need to be able to provide a safe environment for all members of our community.
  • COVID-19 has disproportionately affected populations of color, and only broadened the already existing resource gaps that plague the country and our sport. This stark fact compounds the risks mentioned above that mean we can’t all safely return to play, even with modifications. In our community, that impacts which programs are able to return to play, and which programs will have to stay inactive.  Ultimate is a sport and community that has always held equity at its heart through spirit of the game–the long term fallout of a season with such a stark imbalance could easily derail what progress has been made in our sport and community toward closing the resource gap.  Valley Ultimate strongly suggests programs take this into account when determining return to play, especially as we are striving to become a more anti-racist and equity driven organization.

Will Valley Ultimate return to play?

Our Board and Volunteers are still deeply considering the issues. We are hopeful that vaccine rollout, state guidelines, case numbers etc. develop in a way that we can offer programming of some kind in the late summer or fall. While our goal is to provide something (we are all desperate to get moving and see your faces again!), Valley Ultimate cannot guarantee any inperson offerings, adult or youth, at this time. Needless to say, weighing the “can” and “should” while considering the logistics and resources available to us is a complicated task. We value your input and support as we navigate this unprecedented time.

The ultimate community is still here. Last fall, VU offered the Color of Ultimate Screening Series to keep ultimate in our lives from a distance. We are continuing to develop other guaranteed COVID-friendly events we can offer–175g Disc Golf League? Trivia Night? More screenings? As before, please fill out this survey to help us choose what to offer next.

If you have questions or ideas about this guidance and our understanding of the USAU and MA state guidelines, please feel free to contact us at

If you want to help VU continue to engage, support and grow the ultimate community in Western Mass, fill out our volunteer form!

If you live in a state other than MA, we urge you to look into and abide by your state’s regulations.

Please always check directly with state and local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Western Mass is a region where the numbers of infections have decreased enough to safely open many things. Let’s enjoy and honor that privilege and continue to protect our whole community.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Spirited!


Western New England Coaching Update

Greetings Western MA MS/HS Ultimate Coaches!

We recently sent out a letter to the listed coaches/organizers for schools in Valley Ultimate’s orbit. Information in that letter came from the Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation on Feb. 7, 2021. If you are a coach/organizer and did not receive this email, please check our Western New England Ultimate Coaches Contact List to check that we have the most updated information. To view the full email please follow this link

Below you’ll find short versions of what was covered in the letter!


Summary of our Return to Play discussion, with helpful resources:

On Equity:

Our group acknowledged the range of program sizes and competition levels of the school programs in the Valley.  One important issue this raises is how programs can be centering equity in their planning for the spring.  For example, some smaller charter or private school programs rely on athletes who come from many different geographical areas with different COVID metrics, while other school based teams come from a single low-risk community.  Some larger or regional school programs have partnerships with their schools’ athletic departments, while others are club-based programs with fewer resources.  This range of differences is a concern as the opportunity gap will exist this spring for some to be playing ultimate while others cannot.  We ask that you consider this when planning your season events and activities.

Links, info, discussion notes and action points on COVID guidance:

Methods for Return to Play:

  • Context regarding  these Modified Rules, created by a working group led by Jim Pistrang(ARMS) this fall, and based on the above guidance. Please review!(Important: Coaches/Organizers and teams are expected to review these rules and agree to implement them for any competition that involves other schools.
  • Resources from successful socially distanced clinics.

Thinking about longer term growth and sustainability:

Financial Considerations and Small Programs Focus

  • Please contact Kyle Taylor at with specific questions on creating a “budget-neutral” program.

Small Ultimate Program Sustainability Workgroup

  • Please fill out this form to learn more and become part of a focus group for small ultimate programs in the Valley about COVID19’s impact on small programs, practice/play ideas with low numbers, and general small program concerns. This group will be coordinated by Kyle Taylor (PVPA) and Amber Tanudjaja (PVPA).

Keeping Ultimate on the Table for Administrators

  •  A letter here with talking points to bring to school administrators and athletic directors to keep ultimate as a priority during this time. Letter was drafted by Lee Feldscher (Northampton High School) let us know if there are any other resources you might need to engage your school in keeping an ultimate program available for young athletes. 

USAU Coaching Requirements Updates & Virtual Coaching Clinic Sessions:

Networking/Scheduling Survey Coming Soon

  • In the meantime, here are some questions to explore with your program and organizers while you plan for this spring:
    • Will your school field an ultimate team this spring?  
    • Will your program be intramural?
    • Which competition divisions/levels of play will be organized at your school this spring?
    • Will your team be able to travel?  
    • If so, what kind of travel accommodations does your school provide (and would therefore restrict/enable travel for competition opportunities)?
    • Will your school season run mid-March through May or late-April through June?


SAVE THE DATE Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation

Though the annual WMass Coaches scheduling meeting will not be happening in the traditional manner, VU is hosting our Annual Meeting and a Return to Play Conversation in its place.

Coaches, players of all levels and parents are all welcome to attend this meeting. Some workshopped rule changes and (hopefully) updated USAU RTP guidelines will be primary discussion topics, in addition to updates on VU’s current and future endeavors. It will be on February 7 at 11am. Use this form to RSVP and get the link to attend this virtual event.

Save the date and pass the word (flick or backhand, whichever will get the furthest)!

Click to watch this GIF of Valeria Cardenas of the Colombian National Team, Medellin Revolution, and Seattle Riot and her HUGE forehand.