Youth Club Champs 2017: August 4th

Check out this dispatch from VUYCC Coach Joe Costello:

The Valley Ultimate U20 Boys and Girls teams have arrived! On a day that began with very early flights (and then even some delayed flights!), we were able to take most of our teams to the National Sports Center in Blaine to watch some of the Elite club teams play on their first day of competition. We had an especially fun time seeing our friends from home on the BUDA teams, and some familiar players on Brute Squad as they competed against the Columbian women’s club team, Revolution.

Arriving at our home stays! All of our hosts live on the same lovely cul de sac

Everywhere we turned there were players from all club divisions making huge plays. We watched Brute Squad play a couple of games, then walked a few fields down to watch Sockeye break Revolver to win, and then mingled with friends on Ironside. By the time we made our way to the Slow White vs. Mixtape showcase game, we were completely surrounded by ultimate players and supporters of all ages, and from all around the world. An incredible experience!

Watching Slow White vs. Mixtape showcase game.

Returning to our respective houses, we enjoyed some down time with our teams and arranged team meetings to prepare for Saturday’s games. The families who have graciously agreed to host us are INCREDIBLE. They have been so welcoming and accommodating to us that it truly feels like home staying with them. We also get to enjoy their big trampoline, basketball court, large yard space, and pool! We are about 20 minutes from the fields.

Each team has two games on Saturday. The Boys team plays at 8:30am and 10:45am and the Girls team plays at 1:00pm and 3:15pm. Lots of exciting ultimate ahead! 

Complete results: Girls, Boys