Registration For VU Winter Indoor Club League

To register for Winter Indoor Club League please complete the following three steps:

Step 1) Send in your payment via PayPal(include participant name in notes field on Paypal)

Player fees (per 5-week session) (VU now uses a sliding scale):
*** Already a USA Ultimate or member 
———$45 (financial hardship price)
———$60 (program cost price)
———$75 (full price)
———$90 (VU sustainer price) 

You may request a full fee waiver – please fill out your registration and send an email to to make arrangements

No one will be turned away for lack of funds!

Please click here to pay via Paypal (include participant name in notes field on Paypal)

Step 2) Fill out the online registration form.

Step 3) If you will be under 18 on Jan 2, 2022Download, print, and complete this medical authorization form. Please list Kelsey Wentling or Dan Kaplan as the event chaperones. Bring the completed form with you to the first night of league. (Please do not mail this form to us). You will not be able to play if you do not give us a completed form.