Meet Our New Board Members!!

Valley Ultimate is thrilled to introduce our three newest board members. These three jumped right into the fray in March and are already proving invaluable team members. We are so grateful to have their combined experience and insight at the table as we plan for the way out of the pandemic and into the future of VU!! 

Bri Jackson (she/her) was first introduced to ultimate frisbee while studying abroad in Paris, France and playing on a rookie team with Ah Ou Puc. She has since played on a club team at Smith College and various pick up teams in Western Massachusetts. Her greatest hopes as a VU board member are to expand access to pickup ultimate for adults in the greater Springfield area and continue to grow the ultimate community in the Valley at all ages and abilities.

Brianna Jackson (she/her)


Ember Plummer has played ultimate since high school in Ann Arbor, MI and just finished up 4 years on Smith College LunaDisc. They are excited to join VU board, and they are thrilled by the potential of our local ultimate community to reimagine and establish deeply ingrained values of equity and inclusion, both for our sport in general and our local social culture! 

Ember Plummer (they/them)


Jennifer Lundquist has been playing casual pick-up for a number of years and is the parent of two ultimate-playing children. She is a professor of sociology and Senior Associate Dean at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.


Latest book: The Dating Divide: Race and Desire in the Era of Online Romance

Jennifer Lundquist (she/her)


We must also announce that Kelsey Wentling has stepped down from the board after completing her one year term as Vice President. Kelsey put in a great deal of work to get the Color of Ultimate screenings off the ground as well as shaping the way the board works. Kelsey is busy with work and other projects these days, but we look forward to seeing her on the field again when we all start playing again. Thank you, Kelsey!