Category Archives: Volunteers

SAVE THE DATE Annual Meeting/Return to Play Conversation

Though the annual WMass Coaches scheduling meeting will not be happening in the traditional manner, VU is hosting our Annual Meeting and a Return to Play Conversation in its place.

Coaches, players of all levels and parents are all welcome to attend this meeting. Some workshopped rule changes and (hopefully) updated USAU RTP guidelines will be primary discussion topics, in addition to updates on VU’s current and future endeavors. It will be on February 7 at 11am. Use this form to RSVP and get the link to attend this virtual event.

Save the date and pass the word (flick or backhand, whichever will get the furthest)!

Click to watch this GIF of Valeria Cardenas of the Colombian National Team, Medellin Revolution, and Seattle Riot and her HUGE forehand.

Join the VU Board!

Board Member Jo Sleigh at Hatsgiving Tournament Central 2016.

Board Member Jo Sleigh at Hatsgiving Tournament Central 2016.

The Valley Ultimate Board is seeking new members! 

Players, coaches, parents and fans welcome. We are specifically seeking better representation for community members of color, womxn, college community members and our casual adult players. 

Itching to have ultimate in the Valley come back better, stronger and faster after the pandemic is under control? We want you.

Long time pickup player and social media lurker? We want you. 

Just moved here from a vibrant ultimate community and wondering how you fit in? We want you.

Love ultimate, and have general organization skills? We really want you. 😉

Here for undergrad, staying over the summer, but maybe not after you graduate? That’s ok, we want you, too!

Never played ultimate, but your daughter did and you still get the mailing list, and happen to be a fundraising and grant writing expert? We really, REALLY want you.

Still in high school, love ultimate and take lots of photos at VU events? We want you, too.

The Valley ultimate community is diverse in more ways than one and we want VU to better reflect our community in all its glory.

Three (3) Board positions are open. The term for each member is a minimum of 1 year. Board meetings are the 4th Tuesday of every month. Valley Ultimate is a volunteer-run organization. Board members partially responsible for some day to day tasks in communication, social media, and event coordination–tasks get divided at Board meetings and in work groups/task forces based on topic/event. Board members vote on motions regarding mission, long term financials, program building etc. VU is building a culture of collaboration–as the saying goes, many hands makes light work. Experience with league development, fundraising, community engagement and social media would be highly valued.

Submit self-nominations and interest via this form. Nominations are due Tuesday 2/9 at 11:59pm. All applicants will get a follow up meeting with a Board member (or two!) before the Board votes on nominations at our regular meeting Tuesday 2/23. All interested parties are invited to the VU Annual Meeting on Sunday 2/7 at 11am, details TBD. 

Not interested in full (voting) Board membership, but want to be part of the discussion? Fill out this form and get added to the Valley Ultimate Community Reps Google Group.

Questions, comments, concerns? Email