Registration will be open March 5th for our Spring Middle School Program
Click here to register.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the fun
VU Middle School Program – 2025
What: this program is replacing the JFK afterschool Ultimate program. It is for any JFK student, or non-JFK student, of middle school age, who wants to learn and play Ultimate. It will be held on the fields behind JFK each day after school. We will focus on teaching the fundamentals of Ultimate and we will have games against other middle school programs.
When: Weekdays, 3:15pm – 5:15 pm (on days JFK is open for school)
Dates : March 31 – June 6 (10 weeks excluding spring break week)
Location: JFK Middle School, 100 Bridge St., Northampton MA
Ages: current student at any Middle School (or home schooler of Middle School age)
Cost: $10/day or $350 for full season (sliding scale options available)
Registration: March 5th – March 31st
Ability Level: all levels welcome (beginner thru expert)
Coordinators: Lee Feldscher (he/him) & Steve Andrews (he/him). Lee and Steve have run the JFK after-school program for the past several years. Steve has been running it for many years prior (without Lee) as well. Lee has been coaching Northampton High School Ultimate for the past 13 years. Both Lee and Steve are Northampton Public School employees with current CORI background checks.
League Goals and Values
We look to create a welcoming, fun, and supportive atmosphere to get everyone playing Ultimate after school. We strive to foster an inclusive playing opportunity and welcome feedback on how to improve in this area. We expect all participants to demonstrate the highest level of respect for one another and the Ultimate community; harassment, bullying or discrimination will not be tolerated.
- Everyone will play on the same teams (mixed play). If we get enough players and interest we may create separate boys and girls teams.
- We will practice every day after school except days when JFK is not open. Practices are 120 minutes starting at 3:15pm.
- Some days we will have games against other middle school programs. Games are typically 60 minutes. For home games we will try to schedule them with a 4:15pm start time (allowing for a 60 minute warm up before the game, so we still end at 5:15pm). For away games there will be travel time to and from games, so it’s possible some days we won’t get back to JFK by 5:15pm. We’ll keep families posted on days we need to run late. Parents are of course welcome and encouraged to come to games.
What to bring each day:
- Each player should bring a white and a dark (not grey) shirt every day.
- Enough water to get through a 2 hour practice
- Cleats if you have them. If not, check with Allsport cleat swap at the 3 county fairgrounds – they usually have extra pairs available for free.
- Weather appropriate clothing you are comfortable running and sweating in. Layers are good for cold days, so as you heat up, you can shed layers. Some spring days can be cold.
- Sunscreen.
What forms are needed to participate:
- Each player will need to sign a transportation permission form to travel to away games.
- Each player will need to sign a liability waiver.
- Each player will need to fill in a medical information / permission form.
- Full-season registration is $350 (or you can pay the daily cost of $10 for days you plan to attend) but those who cannot afford to pay full price can choose to pay less at checkout (VU sliding scale).
- The registration form will be available starting March 5th. Check back on this website for a link to the online registration at that time.
Pricing (VU Sliding Scale):
- Sustainer Price: $450/season or $12/day
- Full Registration Price: $350/season or $10/day
- Cost Price: $300/season or $8/day
- Financial Hardship Price: $175/season or $5/day
- Request a full fee waiver – no questions asked
Questions: please email any questions to