Tag Archives: USAUltimate

Valley Ultimate Outreach: Round 1

USAUAffiliateLogoCOLOR-jpgDue to a generous grant from USA Ultimate, Valley Ultimate was able to launch an outreach program. Terry Plotkin is leading the charge and ran the first session last week. He reports:

I visited Frontier ultimate practice on Wednesday for valley ultimate”s first outreach to under-served schools. They are a good group of kids. We focused on a few drills, basic throwing and catching, and discussed ways they can make their practices successful and how to build their team. I told them about valley ultimate and how to plug in with ultimate in the valley. By coincidence, two parents of two different kids are former teammates of mine. When I asked them, they both were interested in helping out some of the time. It was a good day. I admire the kids (17) for organizing themselves and showing up without adult support.

We’ll be running several more sessions at Frontier and expanding the program to other local communities. A big thanks to USA Ultimate for making the program possible!